Black lacquered

We have a wide selection of black wooden hangers to suit your needs. Whether you are looking for black shirt hangers, black jacket hangers or black trouser hangers. We have our slightly angled hangers with wide shoulders that are perfect for coats, suits and heavier items that need to hold their shape. Our range of black wooden hangers are produced from lotus wood and are perfect for displaying all colors of your clothes. It is often the case that black goes with everything and our black wooden hangers are a simple and stylish tool to showcase your beautiful clothes and collections. We have a wide selection of black hangers to suit your needs. Whether you are looking for black shirt hangers, black jacket hangers or black trouser hangers. We have our slightly angled hangers with wide shoulders that are perfect for coats, suits and heavier items that need to hold their shape. We also have flat shirt hangers with or without clips for hanging trousers or skirts.

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